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Education in the Media, Leadership and Activism

Join the Coöp

Brainstorming Diversity by Development Works Photos

Brainstorming Diversity by Development Works Photos

Several Coöp members and friends at #ISTE 11 have asked me about the beginning of our work, so I’d like to share out these founders’ reflections that Adam, Paula, and I wrote earlier in the year:

Friends have also asked about how to get involved in the Coöp.

We are a democratic, messy, and open community. We have few editorial expectations of one another, but we do greatly value these community norms.

  • We expect one another to champion kids’ personally meaningful involvement in education. To that end, many of us believe in democratic, humane, and sane forms of education.
  • We expect one another to push our work forward. To that end we question and answer on the blog and through back channels like the Coöp Google Group.
  • We are civil, compassionate, and honest with one another in our conversations. To that end, we communicate our strong beliefs specifically and without reservation, but with a caring intent to help one another and our community of readers, writers, and thinkers.

Does that sound right to you?

While we are not fearless, we push one another to be frank about our fears and to propose solutions to the problems we see in how our societies educate and treat children.

If you would like to be more involved, I encourage you to comment on posts and to converse with members and commenters already active on the Coöp. Get a feel for the conversations we have. Check your beliefs against ours. If you feel alone, if you want to be heard, and if you want to be part of a community dedicated to exploring the multiple avenues we’ll need to take to empower each child we teach, then just DM, @, or email any one of us, and we’ll get the ball rolling on adding you to the site as a contributor or author.

This is your community. We are meant to be of service to one another in our shared work of radically changing education for our kids. If we can help by offering you a personally meaningful space from which to speak, let us know.

We are strengthened by diversity – we need teachers, students, parents, and children from all walks of life to help us push ahead with transforming education.

We can already see you here helping us. You are most welcome and invited.

About Chad Sansing

I teach for the users. Opinions are mine; content is ours.


5 thoughts on “Join the Coöp

  1. I wanna be one of the coop members

    Posted by shamali288 | June 27, 2011, 6:20 pm
  2. Thank you Chad my friend. Gracious, thoughtful, wide-eyed.


    Posted by Kirsten | July 1, 2011, 2:55 pm

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